
I am wondering where my life has taken me in the current journey, the people I've met the last few years and the experiences shared with those people.
Travelling for work is great as there is always a different part of the scenery to see heading to lunch/dinner with a customer or supplier. The late nights spent filled with liquor, cuss words, endless stories and laughter. Embedding ourselves into the culture of the people around us who welcome us into their town and with a big smile and hospitality, enjoy having foreign visitors with humour on the same level and the same past time joys..

One problem, my loved ones are on the other side of the planet and are missed dearly. Even with all the technology available today like Facebook chat and video, it is not the same as being there. I can only imagine how those who serve for our country in more adverse conditions handle missing out for months at a time.
The technology really helps us to bridge the gap until we can be together, but can there cannot be a replacement for basic human interaction. My son was 8 when he got his fist WiFi enabled device of his own. He like to play games on it to unplug, but honestly did care to connect with others on it, and over 12 months later, still doesn't have time for notifications and doesn't respond to messages until absolute last resort. He would rather pick up the skateboard or a couple of matchbox cars, or pester me to hang out or to go across the road to play with the other kids. In essence, he has taught me how to unplug and look into what really matters. With all the rubbish news, politicians who cannot lie straight in bed and selfishness in this world, he is the one that has made me look into the 'what is the meaning of life' (eye roll) question.

I am a ridiculously logical human being. In my mindset, there is a beginning and an end to life, and I will be pleasantly surprised if the are any other forms before or aft these components. So, this leave the middle?! Needless to say, we all seem to make it up as we go, thinking that we are smarter than others and less intelligent some, proving it along the way in some form of ritual of social acceptance.
Why are we here? - Primal reproduction for the survival of the species?, He who dies with most toys wins?, Live every day like it is your last - Maybe?
I am amongst a divorce at the moment and I am trying to figure out my next plan and how I can make impact in my life and in a positive way on others. Personally, I draw a lot of influence for music and the plights of so many caught in the variation of societies conundrums not unlike my own. With the help of others, I am choosing to take this event and grow form the experiences that I have shared and how other friends, colleagues and family support each other and for me, how to communicate my thoughts and feelings to them no unlike the writers of songs (more-so than the lyricists), pouring their heart out onto paper in a means to express themselves.
But hey, this is just my story, and to be completely honest, I'm not the first one tell it, nor the last. I am a member of the bloke advice page (a group that has gone viral on social for men to share their hard times and triumphs between like minded individuals), where stories like mine and further tragedy are shared in a form of mate ship, with total strangers who can assimilate. For me, this and the discussions with close friends and colleagues has shed a great light on us as humans, with the ability to socially accept others and care for them, regardless of the social differences that we have.
So, I am definitely no Gandhi (nor do I try to be) and I guess that is the point. Just be the best version of you that you can be. What is done is done - don't live in regret, appreciate the experience of the journey called life and when a door closes, there is a window to somersault out of. Don't sweat the small stuff. Go home and hug you kids, family and fiends and appreciate the time that we have here. The middle part of life is yours, do something positive with it!

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