Thursday, 14 November 2013

If you replace everything, it's a new bike,...right?

Well I'm not going to lie,....I'm pretty ticked off. After making sure that everything was spot on before heading out to Crows Nest annual P&C Trail Ride, and runing the bike several times, it only took about one kilometer for a few issues to raise their heads.....(sigh)...

Kitted up, I set out after the brother'n'law to catch up to his crew on the 25 Km loop.  After showing the numbered sticker on my helmet, I was off. 850 odd riders had registered for the event, so keen not to get stuck in anyones dust I decided to get a wriggle on.

That was until the throttle locked on wide open. I quickly grabbed the kill button and the clutch and shut the old girl down. I always ride with a tool bag (bumbag) just for these instances, and will carry tie wire, tyre levers and CO² cannister, (fender bag has tube) a few lollies, plug, a couple of odd bolts, and the minimum amount of tools to strip the bike on the side of the track. Two minutes later and I find the culprit, the pull throttle cable had frayed!

Wasting no time, I did the 'walk of shame' back to the pits where we had set up and started asking around for luck. A few phone calls and it was an hour drive to Independent Motorcycle Wreckers for a fix.

1.30PM - I'm back at the scene of the crime, and wasting no time I catch a lift on a Chamberlain G9 back to the bike to put the cable in. The bike is together and I'm kitting up. I kick the bike over and it springs to life,......for about five seconds, the dies. Swearing at the bike, I remove all the gear, seat tank, plug, and check for spark....nothing!!!!

I swap the plug over and soon realise my vision of cutting up the trail on this machine is over. I park the bike up and yet again do another 'walk of shame' back to the pits.

Luckily enough, I have a really great old boy. He has had a few laps and offers a lap on his machine CRF450. I quickly suit up before the loop closes and join another one of our crew for a hot lap to end  the afternoons ride.

I forgot how large the power difference was between the old boys bike and mine. I tell you what, there is nothing like powersliding/wheelstanding through some open fast country. The 450 seems to pick up the front wheel with ease.

A few beers back at camp, and I'm thinking about upgrading the old girl to something newer. It was something that I have only daydreamed of, but would it honestly be the best option to improve riding ability, at least I would make it out of the carpark.

Before our return back to the big smoke the old man said something to me which I'll never forget. Im not sure if he was takin the piss or not. "do not let it get you disheartened, you have just about replaced everything now." Haha, I guess he's right. I have got a new genuine throttle cable set to put in this week, and are awaiting the arrival of a CDI (with harness), stator and pulsar coil. I am determined that 'next' time it is not going to spoil my weekend.

My birthday was this week and I was presented with many things, one of which was the December edition of ADB magazine (one of my favourites). I immediately start drooling. On the cover is my new bike. The 2014 Husky FE350. Even though they are not released until January, I want one so bad!

Until next week! I just thought that I would show you a picture of the cake I was presented. The mother'n'law has had a broken foot for a few weeks and finding inspiartion, made the perfect birthday cake for me...

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Thanks for taking the time to hang out. We'll catch up soon!