Sunday, 20 July 2014

Going for a blat

Nothing like blowing the cobwebs out. My brother currently has a fantastic streak of about two months with out missig a ride every weekend, if not one day two.
 We had the pleasure of going for a blat on the weekend in Leyburn for the Husqvarna Sprint series round 4. Form wasn't a great factor for me, as whenever I seem to get out its like taking the training wheel off again. An expensive weekend to see where I stood, and as I expected, slow to mid paced clubman is about my speed.

It is only fair, with a long time between drinks and work and family commitments, I was fast enough to be out there but not fast enough to be taking the world by storm. A few weekends before, I got to hang out at a mates place and have a blast on his new farm bike and a legend by any means, the old banshee.

Ive always been a fan of two wheels, but tell you what, these things are a blast!!A few drinks by the camp fire for the hosts birthday, and the weekend was sorted. Looking forward to go for another blat soon.

With the next ride at least two weeks away, I am keen as to make sure everything is sorted on my bike. At Leyburn I blew a fuse and lost my electric start, so some further investigation is required (as well as a good bath).  We will see you out there soon!

Monday, 24 February 2014

Gone riding...

Well, I guess I've been a bit slow to post anything. But for something different, the bike has been running sweet!!
This weekends ride was just another great day out with my bro and the boys. After a rather large week of mechanical repairs/upgrades on the ute and consoling the family on my departure, we were off. I was feeling very weary eyed starting the day at 4.30am (after 4 hours sleep), the excitement on getting on the rocket just took over.
Even after the three hour steer to Stanthorpe, we were on time for the sign up and start of the ride. The camp was set,the bikes were prepped, and the gear was on in the space of about ten minutes.
No mucking around, let's go! Out to hit the 40 odd kilometer loop that was before us, I wasn't keen to put the first bar to the ground (who's shout is it anyway?)
This bloke thought he would have a lie down in front of me (made it a little difficult, had to come back down and have another go).
I'm not going to lie, the conditions were absolutely perfect. After behing hit with the reminance of summer looming at home with a few steamy nights, it was really nice to experience 18•C and slightly overcast conditions. There had been a little rain about before our arrival which made the slightly sandy soil nice and tacky, but also the plate rock nice and slippery. 

We managed to complete two laps of Saturdays track, and a lap of the Sundays 45 kilometer loop before packing up and heading to the local bistro for a counter meal before heading off home. Great company and great conditions made for a great ride, and thanks again guys for another great weekend! 

Talk at ya soon!

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Happy new year!!!

Into the season spirit, I have been having an absolute blast. I had a few weeks off over the break and nearly got everything done that I wanted to (except the boring labour intensive stuff around home).

Funnily enough, I managed to give the bike an absolute thrashing and there has been no issues!! I fitted new Supersprox sprockets and Regina gold chain and went over every inch of the bike. I refitted the Lithium battery and hey presto, for the first time since I have owned the machine it will start cold on the starter motor.
The natural terrain motocross track was opened up at Wyaralong, so I managed to venture out there for a few laps, but most of the time was using the rutted enduro tracks to work out where to tune my steed. A bit of suspension tuning and the bike is feeling a lot better (the rebound was up too far and trying to rip the bars out of my hands). I still may play with the compression on the forks, but overall very happy and looking forward to the new years lineup of rides and more so the two day events starting soon.
The break saw us pretty relaxed. We got everything we could have hoped for. Many gifts were given and many laughs shared with the ones dearest to us.

There were a few sore heads on the morning of the 1st January. I didn't know it yet, but i wasn't going to get any sleep as my little man had decided that it was a good day to get up early (about 40 minutes after I decided to go to bed). It was a good thing though. I get to hang out and watch the sun come up and play pirate ships for the next couple of hours.
I somehow know that this year is going to be different.  I feel like the world is my oyster. I have had a recent promotion at work, my bike is running smooth (touch wood), and I have a vintage project underway (I don't think that it will be completed in February for Murphy's Creek Vinduro).

This year I aim for smarter choices. I mean, I am not a complete numb nuts when it comes to decision making. But I would like to make healthier choices when it comes to well being and fitness. I am not going to be knocking in the door of the local gym any time soon, but I have the same focus for the new year as I always have - To be a better person.

I nearly shed a tear for this guy, not a great start to the new year. I have a friend with the same model. I hope that he was insured...

I was also saddened by other news, that it was an end of an era for the good old postie bike, Aus post will not longer buy the CT110! You will be sadly missed, and I am sure the mod culture on these machines will be even stronger in the coming year as the legend is remembered
Will talk more at you soon.....